
Giorgio Vicentini was born in Varese on the 16th of August 1951. He works and lives in Induno Olona (Varese).

In 1974, the year of his first exhibition, he abandoned a degree in Law to dedicate his time and efforts to his artistic career.

Having trained in Milan, he directed his research to the conceptual field, choosing his own method, based on colour.

He teaches Art History workshops for the Teacher Training undergraduate course and for the Masters degree in Educational Services for the Artistic Heritage of Historical Museums and Art at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, at the LAC edu in Lugano (Switzerland), and for “Giovani Pensatori Varese” (Young Thinkers Varese).

His artwork is present in public and private collections in Italy and abroad.

He is an artistic consultant for the architect Ivano Gianola of the Emilia Bosis Association in Bergamo, and is the creator of branding for companies with international status.

He is father to Luca, Viola and Pietro, and is married to Marta Campiotti.

Giorgio Vicentini visual artist