Vittoria Broggini

The comprehensive horizon of Giorgio

“Raw colour” is the title of Giogio Vicentini’s most recent work. We’re faced with a new “pictorial cycle” that has colour as its protagonist and which reveals the analytical root of the painting of the artist and his expressive method. The analytical characteristic of Vicentini’s painting consists in the habit of concentrating aesthetic research into minimal elements that are as pure as possible, organizing them into a simple visual syntax, where each variation and deviation takes on strength and importance. The visual thought of the artist emerges and develops from a personal pictorial method that has been honed over time. Vicentini withholds and cages colour between two transparent surfaces: the pigment is thus manipulated indirectly, and with the pressure from a spatula, the artist moulds its texture and spread, led by an instinctive knowledge that he seems to already know as he discovers it. The colour’s surface is then fragmented through cutting and recomposing the shapes on the canvass. From the lyrical and planned gesture of the artist, the infinite and absolute space of the work comes alive; in this dimension, the synthetic and cooled-down fragment of colour appears to move in a continuous development. However, I wouldn’t want to concentrate too much on colour, it’s evident that painting is always based on this; and I don’t want to discuss light, which is colour in itself. I want to take away the structures, albeit real ones, of a reading of Giorgio’s work connected to non-objective, abstract and monochrome painting so to speak, whose reasoning is renowned. On the other hand, I would like to read Vicentini’s work as a reflection on, and the result of, research into the process of action, moving it closer to the field of ethics, and more precisely, to that of the ethics of aesthetics. Vicentini’s work is proof of an aesthetic attitude where the sensual gaze reaps and accentuates general harmony; at the same time, the same gaze is acute and analytical, aware of how everything is the configuration and combination of moving parts. This aesthetic attitude doesn’t seem to contradict itself, not even in the daily movements of the artist, on the contrary, perhaps this is where it finds part of its reason, in a big family where relationships become flowing energy that returns, and is reconfigured in different experiences. When I met him in the studio for the first time, Vicentini talked about his children with the same transparency and necessity that he dedicates to his work, and I immediately perceived how his artistic research is encompassed into a comprehensive horizon within which the artist directs his dynamic gaze, always directed to broadening his vision. Without fear, inflexibility or suspicion, without a final definition of what colour, space, or painting is, even in a more general sense, the artist seems to turn to life as he does to artistic research, putting himself in the centre as a participating co-creator, with constant planning, without passively being subjected to anything, despite being moved by chance. Vicentini’s aesthetic dimension is not a simple result of pictorial actions, but rather is generated by an ethical sphere (or perhaps the two combine reciprocally), which is extended to his entire daily universe, where he finds expression, a pulsating and generative energy that defines - without making a finalised definition - the personality of the artist as his work.

Critical Texts

Claudio Cerritelli, Permutation and resistance in the painting of Giorgio Vicentini Claudio Cerritelli, Il colore crudo di Giorgio Cecilia De Carli, Non ho parole Flaminio Gualdoni, Vicentini, un diario intimo per svelare le emozioni con la forza dei colori Giorgio Vicentini, If Sergio Vanni, Le carte nascoste di Giorgio Licia Spagnesi, Il colore di Giorgio Martina Corgnati, Le intenzioni Sara Honegger Chiari, Then along comes painting Vittoria Broggini, The comprehensive horizon of Giorgio Cecilia De Carli, Piccole conversazioni a proposito dell'installazione IN CORPORE EXPO 2015 Ettore Ceriani, Giorgio Vicentini e il sogno della realtà Marina De Marchi, A Castello Grazia Massone, Custodire Giovanni Maria Accame, L'esperienza della pittura Claudio Cerritelli, Scintille Riccardo Prina, Assalto e Difesa Vittoria Broggini, Flying notes Claudio Cerritelli, Capturing the development of painting Francesco Tedeschi, Diario critico bisestile dell'anno 2000 ed. Campanotto, Udine 2012 Erika La Rosa, Non basta un solo tentativo per catturare l'orizzonte - Varesenews, 21 novembre 2017 Mauro Bianchini, Volatilità di segno e percorrenze di forme Giorgio Vicentini, Claudio Cerritelli, Marina Pierani, Incontriamoci dove inizia l'orizzonte Chiara Gatti , Come nasce e si sviluppa un'opera d'arte - La Repubblica, giovedì 21 marzo 2019 Lupus in Fabula, Ilias Cocchi Pontalti Luisa Negri, Un secolo di pittura. Varese nei colorii dei suoi artisti Cristina Sissa, Genesi - Catalogo mostra - Studio d'Arte del Lauro Carla Tocchetti, Gli Arazzi Volanti di Giorgio Vicentini al Battistero di Velate giugno 2019 Paolo Biscottini, Colore Crudo luglio 2007 Claudio Del Frate, Erano dimenticati in manicomio. Oggi espongono alla Biennale - Corriere della Sera, Milano 15 luglio 2005 Elena Pontiggia , Giorgio Vicentini, l'Essere e il Nulla Chiara Gatti, Visita in studio Simonetta Lux , Lo dirò a tuo padre - Catalogo ERRORI GRAVI ©1998 ISBN 88.7269.079.X FEDA SA - Fidia Edizioni d’Arte - Lugano Luisa Negri, Le "fondamenta occidentali" di Giorgio Vicentini - Varese Focus, OTTOBRE 2020 Cristina Casero, La confessione - Decima Biennale d'Arte Sacra - Fondazione Stauros, Santuario San Gabriele (Te) Settembre 2002 Elena Di Raddo, Scheda opera dittico Vestali, L'arte moderna in Intesa SanPaolo, L'Ultimo Novecento, Mondadori Electa S.p.A. Milano 2013 Erika La Rosa, I colori si fidano di lui, Varesenews 8 aprile 2021 Mario Chiodetti, Vicentini, eterno bambino che gioca con luce e colori Isabella Colonna Preti , Colore crudo - Galleria Duetart, Varese Sara Honegger Chiari , Le amnesie del perimetro - 7 giugno 1996 Luca Cavallini , Museo della Permanente - Milano 9 marzo 2022 Matteo Giuseppe Dall'Ava , Un astrattista molto concreto - Per Edizioni Teelent 19 gennaio 2022 Luciano Caramel, Centottanta gradi - Gennaio 1990 Luisa Negri , Quell'arte nel nome del figlio - 8 agosto 1992 Giorgio Vicentini, Sorgente Lucio Fontana - Aula Borsi. Università Cattolica, Milano gennaio 2019 Andrea Bortoluzzi - Libreria Carù, La voce della carta Chiara Gatti , Sintonie - prefazione, Casa editrice Stampa 2009, ottobre 2022 Varese Mario Visco , Poesie e disegni: le Sintonie di Vicentini - La Prealpina - Varese, 21 gennaio 2023 Gianfranco Colombo, Cera e acrilico Aree di Vicentini Claudio Rizzi , Parlatorio - Libreria Bocca, Milano, 11 settembre 1997 Il Gazzettino di Vicenza , Quando il colore diventa "Luce atmosfera e forma" - 2 ottobre 2014 Francesco Tedeschi , Il colore come forma plastica, percorso attraverso una forma di astrazione - Skira ottobre 2014 Emanuele Beluffi, Giorgio Vicentini, altre il visibile c'è di più - Il Giornale Off - 6 agosto 2024
Giorgio Vicentini visual artist